Projekt InterWine: Spajanjem kulturne baštine i eno-turizma do stvaranja održive prekogranične destinacije, odabran je među samo šest uspješnih projekata od ukupno 73 prijavljenih na natječaj prekogranične suradnje Interrega Slovenija-Hrvatska, Jačanje uloge kulture i održivog turizma u gospodarskom razvoju, socijalnoj uključenosti i socijalnim inovacijama.

The project aims to enhance the impact of culture and sustainable tourism by creating a new integrated tourist experience that combines cultural heritage with the tradition of winemaking and viticulture. This innovative tourism product will be developed through a participatory approach involving local communities and key stakeholders from Croatia and Slovenia.

The project will encompass a variety of activities, including focus groups and workshops aimed at defining and devising a plan for the development of a unified destination. A new tourist product will be formulated, featuring both physical and online components. The InterWine facilities in Velika Gorica, Pušća, and Brežice will be outfitted to integrate cultural heritage with the wine offerings. Additionally, a joint souvenir, itineraries, and tourist guide will be designed, along with an intuitive online platform to promote the wine and gastronomic offerings, as well as the cultural heritage.

The holistic approach outlined aims to enhance the quality and desirability of the destination while ensuring the long-term viability and adaptability of the tourism and cultural sectors. The initiative encompasses educational and motivational seminars for key stakeholders, trialling select aspects of the tourism offering, and proactive promotional activities.

To leverage the project's outcomes and establish enduring collaboration, the partners will develop an InterWine manual and execute an Agreement on future cooperation. This approach will secure the sustainability of the outcomes and the dedication of partners and stakeholders post-project completion.

This highly significant project lasts 30 months and has a total budget of EUR 1,383,080.02. The project partners involved are the City of Velika Gorica, the Municipality of Pušća, the Vocational College (an institution for adult education), the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth in Brežice, the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Tourism in Brežice, and the Posavina Museum of Brežice.




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