The wooden chapels of Turopolje and Pokuplje hold a distinctive position globally. Their origins can be traced back to the early Middle Ages, evoking a historical atmosphere that resonates with visitors. Presently, these chapels stand as remarkable cultural attractions, drawing visitors from Croatia and around the world. The sixth Festival of Wooden Chapels Sancta Barbara exemplifies the approach to establishing a sustainable destination brand.
To attain genuine sustainability, it is essential to recognize that sustainability is interconnected with all sectors and levels of society. The tourism initiatives in Zagreb County prioritize the development of elements that contribute to the region's promotion while fundamentally supporting sustainable practices. The integration of music, heritage, and tradition within a destination presents a unique opportunity for enrichment. This festival embodies the essence of the destination and promotes the protected areas of the Turopolje region and Zagreb County. Congratulations are warranted for the organisers of this event.