Samobor is a charming town on the slopes of the Samobor Mountains, just 20 km from Zagreb. With a population of around 37,607 residents, this town boasts a rich tradition of tourism and excursions. It is a popular destination for people from Zagreb who come here to appreciate its beautiful natural scenery, picturesque baroque architecture, museums, restaurants, inns, and picnic areas. Interestingly, Samobor was once home to the canton of Napoleon's Illyrian provinces between 1809 and 1813, where the traditional recipes for the famous Samobor muštarda and bermet originated. It would be best to try the Samobor kremšnita, a delicious Samobor dessert.

For more information, please contact:

Samobor Tourist Board
Trg kralja Tomislava 5
10430 Samobor
Tel. +385 1 3360 044
Mail: rh.robomasobfsctd@tsiruot

Open University Samobor
Tel: +385 1 3360 112




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