This town, home to around 17,531 people, is situated 23 km east of Zagreb and has developed over the centuries at the intersection of railway routes. The region's history and culture are closely tied to Saint Martin's legacy and the Knights Templar order. The area's rich wine-growing tradition has given rise to wine-related tourist events such as Vincekovo (St. Vinko's Day) on Martin Breg, which celebrates the beginning of work in the vineyards, and Martinje (St. Martin's Day), which commemorates the "christening" of the wine. Additionally, Dugoselske jeseni is a popular and cultural event that runs from the start of September until November 11, St. Martin's Day.

For more information, please contact:

Dugo Selo Tourist Board
Josipa Zorića 1
10370 Dugo Selo
Tel: +385 1 2780 281

Open University Dugo Selo
Tel: +385 1 2774 131




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