Located in the northwestern part of Zagreb County, this town is home to 3,199 residents, situated 23 km away from the Zagreb-Karlovac highway and 50 km from Zagreb. It is a peaceful place of worship and pilgrimage and a significant location for the birth and death of Blessed Alojzije Stepinac (1898-1960). The Krašić Region celebrates Stepinac's legacy and Krašić days on May 8th. Stepinac, born in the village of Brezarić, served 16 years of house arrest as a Cardinal. Other notable religious figures from this region include Cardinal Franjo Kuharić from Pribić, Bishop Juraj Jezerinac from Prekrižje, and Bishop Josip Mrzljak. The town also offers recreational activities such as hiking and golf in Mirkopolje.

For more information, please contact:

Krašić Tourist Board
Krašić 101
10454 Krašić
Tel/Fax: +385 1 6270 488
Mail: rh.cisarkoztobfsctd@ofni
Web: www.tzokrasic.hr




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