The Zagreb County Tourist Board eagerly anticipates the completion of the Green Destinations certification, which will be conferred at the Green Destinations ceremony in Berlin on March 6, 2024.
Last year in May, we commenced the rigorous certification process, which presented numerous challenges. Recognizing the imperative of sustainability for the future, we demonstrated persistence and patience throughout. Upon obtaining this certification, Zagreb County will emerge as Croatia's largest certified sustainable tourism region. From the outset, a survey revealed that 70% of respondents believed that certification, particularly the implementation of the sustainable development certificate, would impact the destination's recognition, the synergistic collaboration of destination stakeholders, and the attraction of guests. I am particularly delighted that the process itself, marked by the active involvement of all participants, substantiated this belief. We engaged all tourism stakeholders in the process, establishing high standards for the county's tourism development trajectory. I am confident that we have also set a commendable practical example, remarked Ivana Alilović, Director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board. Na samom smo početku proveli istraživanje koje nam je tada pokazalo da je 70% ispitanika smatralo da će certificiranje, tj. primjena certifikata održivog razvoja utjecati na prepoznatljivost destinacije, sinergijski učinak dionika u destinaciji te privlačenje gostiju. Ono što mi je iznimno drago je što je sam proces kroz aktivno sudjelovanje svih sudionika to zaista i potvrdilo. U proces smo uključili sve dionike u turizmu, postavili visok standard smjera razvoja turizma u županiji, ali vjerujem i postali dobrim primjerom prakse., izjavila je Ivana Alilović, direktorica Turističke zajednice Zagrebačke županije.
Green Destinations is a global non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands striving to enhance tourist destinations' sustainable development, promote tourism, and gain international recognition. Its approach aligns with the principles of the United Nations and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) goals, promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. The organisation has earned high-quality recognition from partners and travellers globally and collaborates with over 400 destinations in more than 90 countries to advance sustainable development models for tourism. By strengthening the competitiveness of destinations, Green Destinations aims to further its mission.