Zagreb County Tourist Board approved the 2023 Work Program unanimously

The 5th Zagreb County Tourist Board session took place at the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Naftalan, where the members approved the Work Program for 2023. During the meeting, the members were also informed about the different health tourism possibilities in the Ivanić-Grad area.

At the program presentation, director Ivana Alilović provided a comprehensive overview of the activities carried out in 2022 by the Zagreb County Tourist Board. The assembly members expressed their satisfaction with the director's work and commended the successful execution of multiple projects that resulted in exceptional tourist indicators and increased revenue. They specifically highlighted the notable growth in tourist tax revenue and the substantial rise in the number of tourist arrivals in Zagreb County. Overall, the presentation portrayed the effective utilisation of resources and the implementation of strategic plans to achieve the desired outcomes.

The Zagreb County Tourist Board has succeeded in establishing itself as one of the foremost continental counties in the field of tourism in 2022. The credit for this achievement goes to the director, Ivana Alilović, who attributes it to a combination of dogged persistence, diligent effort, and specialised knowledge. The success can also be attributed to significant projects such as the EU-funded KNOWING project. The project implementation began on June 1 under the Horizon Europe program. As an expert, you can appreciate the significance of this accomplishment, both in terms of the technical nuances of the project and its impact on the tourism industry. The board intends to carry forward this success in 2023.






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