Without hesitation, choosing the CLERY strawberry variety as it is unquestionably the optimal selection!

During the "Zagreb Strawberry Days" festival, a classic taste test of strawberry fruits took place at the KUD Čiče location.

A jury evaluated ten varieties cultivated around Zagreb County and Zagreb under the expert guidance of Prof. Dr Sc. Boris Duralija from the Institute of Fruit Growing of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. The Clery variety emerged as the winner of this year's evaluation.

"We've been conducting consumer evaluations for 21 years to assist producers in optimising their production and help consumers make informed choices," highlighted Josip Kraljičković, the head of the Administrative Department for Agriculture. He also stated that the county and Zagreb have almost 75 hectares of strawberries, making it the most extensive strawberry-growing area in Croatia. Kraljičković further explained that this region has the highest number of producers, plants, and hectares under strawberry cultivation.

The Croatian Škrlet wine, both a Croatian and a local wine variety, was proudly presented during the judging.




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