• In 1932, on his way from Vienna to Trieste, Charlie Chaplin stopped at the Vila Horvat inn in the centre of the village of Plešivica. He spent the night there, ate chicken in sauce and drank local wine. The dancer Isadora Duncan was also a guest of this Plešivica boarding house, which closed down at the beginning of World War II;
  • 30 Croatian emigrants sailed on the ill-fated Titanic, including Stjepan Turčin, from the village of Bratina near Pisarovina. That is why there is the "Titanic 100" memorial house, which the eponymous association of researchers of the famous shipwreck organised;
  • the first mountaineering excursion in Croatia was the "laznja" of the Croatian Mountaineering Society in the Samobor Mountains, on Oštrc and Plešivica, on May 17, 1875. At that time, such a trip to the Samobor Mountains was a severe venture;
  • according to ancient legend, there was a turtle under the walls of the old town of Samobor, which came down to Samobor every seven years, and the lords of the city had to give it a 7-year-old child that it would swallow. However, it happened that the lords of the town had no more seven-year-old children besides their own. The closer the time came for the turtle to go for the child, the more they despaired. In that desperation, together with the local residents, they began to pray to God to save their child. He heard the pleas, petrified the turtle, and the child was saved.
  • Barbara Celjska (1392 – 1451), traditionally known as the Black Queen, was the mistress of the Old Town of Samobor. With a reputation as an evil and cruel woman, she practised alchemy, and the European alchemists Johann von Laaz and Basile Valentin wrote about her.
  • The Old Town of Samobor fortress was built on a living rock in the 13th century. The writer August Šenoa mentions it in the novel "The Goldsmith's Gold", and the opening scenes of the film "The Armor of God" starring Jackie Chan from 1987 were filmed precisely on its ruins.
  • • in Ivanić-Grad, the fourth generation of the Kruh Vuk family is already involved in the traditional opanci trade and craftsmanship. Opanci are no longer worn today, except as part of the national costume, and the craftsmanship is registered as an intangible cultural heritage;
  • When you mention Budinjak to archaeologists, they will think of a particular type of bronze helmet from the Iron Age. The archaeological site in the area of Žumberk stands on the remains of a prehistoric settlement with a cemetery, and the most valuable find is the helmet from the duke's mound, named after the nearby town of Budinjak;
  • Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, Cardinal Franjo Kuharić (born in Pribić), Bishop Juraj Jezerinac (born in Prekrižje), Bishop Josip Mrzljak and several other church dignitaries come from the Krašić region. Therefore, we can rightly call this region a place of prayer, peace, and pilgrimage and the significant place of birth and death of blessed Alojzije Stepinac – The Valley of the Cardinals .
  • the first international car race on the territory of Croatia was organized on May 16, 1926, on the route Plješivica - Samobor - Plješivica in front of 2,000 spectators. The first tennis court in Croatia was built in Samobor back in 1890 on the property of Count Maks Montecuccoli;
  • kojnača is a horse-drawn tram that transported passengers and cargo around Velika Gorica from 1907 to 1937. The tram line was eight kilometres long and stretched from Novo Čiče, a village southwest of Velika Gorica, through the centre of Velika Gorica to the railway station in Gradići;
  • podgutnica -the red neckerchief was worn by girls from Turopolje under the neck of young men before entering military service and is considered the forerunner of the necktie. A scarf tied a la Croate (Croatian style) was recognised by our soldiers in Paris in the 17th century and was called a cravat after the Croats;
  • The “vrata od krča” gate is a unique monument to human work, built in a forest called Turopoljski lug. The woods brought a lot of income to the noble municipality of Turopolje, so they were carefully guarded and maintained. Still, the people of Turopolje were forced to clear the forest in order to create more arable land and space for meadows. After one such clearing in Turopoljski lug, which lasted from 1774 to 1779, the land was divided into 1,600 equal plots according to authorized rights. In honour of this joint success, on the border of the clearing and the rest of the forest, the people of Turopolje constructed the so-called "vrata od krča" gate - two wooden posts over which a giant beam is stretched. During the great flood of 1914, the gate was demolished. They were rebuilt and installed again in 1916.
  • the Turopolje pig is one of the oldest original pig breeds mentioned in written documents as early as 1352. The breed was shaped by the oak forests of Turopolje, where the pigs are taken for acorn feeding. Due to ecological farming, its meat is of exceptional quality even today.
  • The mill and the miller's house, built next to the mill on the Draga stream, is the original miller's house, as the miller's family once lived, and has all the traditional elements that a place like this had some of which are over a hundred years old (fireplace, bread oven, paintings, wardrobe, bed…);
  • the most valuable natural heritage of Jastrebarsko and its surroundings is undoubtedly the ornithological reserve Crna Mlaka, declared a special ornithological reserve in 1980 and under special protection. The Crna Mlaka reserve is included in the list of the Ramsar Convention and in the project Ornithological Reserves of Important Areas in Europe IBA. A kind of trademark of Crna Mlaka is the mallard duck. During the summer and early autumn, the most prominent gathering place of this type of duck in Central Europe is precisely Crna Mlaka - up to five thousand of them gather there.
  • The cooperage collection of the Golub family has been declared a cultural asset of the Republic of Croatia. It consists of many cooper's tools, barrique barrels, brents, buckets, scuppers, and round and oval barrels, resulting from a special effort to preserve this precious traditional knowledge. Old tools and the barrel-making process can be seen in cooper's collection in the centre of Jastrebarsko;
  • the first Croatian electric car, Concept One, was produced in Sveta Nedelja. Rimac Automobili, a Croatian company that delivers premium electric vehicles, was founded in 2009 and headquartered in Sveta Nedelja. In addition to the first electric car, the company also produces electric bicycles. The company offers visitors the opportunity to view the electric vehicle and electric bikes and test drive them;
  • Grgos Cave was discovered by Josip Grgos, digging stones for slaking lime in 1973. The wealth of sigma - stalactites and stalagmites contributed to Grgosova špilja, according to many, the most beautiful cave in northwestern Croatia, already in 1974 being declared a protected geomorphological monument of nature;
  • in the Suban Botanical Garden , you can find a variety of plants, even from the Mediterranean climate... and it is now a whole herbarium with over two hundred types of flowers from all over the world.
  • in Zelinska gora, about 5 kilometres from Sveti Ivan Zelina, there is the Zelingrad stone fort. It is one of the important medieval castles in the broader area of Zagreb. It is owned and managed by the Sveti Ivan Zelina Museum;
  • The Marton Museum is the first private museum in Croatia. It was founded in 2003 by Veljko Marton in order to provide the public with access to his own art collection. The museum currently exhibits more than 1,000 works of art and objects of applied art created in Central and Western Europe and Russia, mainly in the period between 1750 and 1850;
  • just five kilometres northwest of Samobor, in the village of Rude, there is the first open-air mining museum in Croatia – St. Barbara’s Mine, one of the oldest European copper and iron mines. Even today, it is not known for sure when mining began in Rude, but according to some data, as well as old mining works recognisable by narrow and low corridors made without the use of gunpowder, it can be concluded that work was done here already in the Middle Ages, and perhaps in the age of the Romans;
  • The stork village in Donja Kupčina – an attraction where the number of white stork nests is among the leading in Croatia;
  • The new Jelačić mansions in Zaprešić are a unique example of the preservation of a complete economic manorial complex. This monument of cultural and historical heritage was built around 1611, and over the years, it has changed numerous owners: the Zrinski, Feštetić, Čikulin, Erdödy and Sermage families. The last owners of the complex were the noble Jelačić family in 1851, when ban Jelačić bought it for 175,000 silver forints. Under his ownership, the castle was thoroughly remodelled and upgraded;
  • Lužnica Castle, which is owned by the Sisters of Charity, is a one-story castle that was built on the site of a former castle. The structural privacy of the castle stands out through the architectural endeavor of angular towers that are cylindrical in shape, placed on the outer corners and represent a baroque treatment of the Renaissance motif. The beautiful park that stretches around the castle has been declared a protected area in the Park Architecture Monument category, and consists of an English meadow and lake, woods and walkways;
  • in a relatively short period of time, three good news came from Samobor. After the miner's greblica and the Samobor kremšnita, the Samobor češnofka also became a protected product.
  • Greblica moved the furthest and won a protected designation of geographical origin in the European Union. Kremšnita entered the Register of Protected Cultural Properties of the Republic of Croatia. At the same time, češnofka received a decision on national protection of geographical origin. Protection at the national level is an essential first step to a prominent position on the European gastronomic map.
  • one of the most giant linden trees, also called Uskočka linden, is in Croatia, in the very heart of the pure nature of Žumberak. In addition to one crucial fact that this tree has resisted all enemy attacks and outbursts, our linden has been standing upright for over 400 years.
  • Sopotski waterfall, the biggest waterfall of the Žumberak mountain, is 40 meters high;
  • in the area of the Nature Park Žumberak-Samobor highland, there are more than 850 springs, whose waters flow through the karst underground and surface;
  • the area of the Nature Park Žumberak-Samobor highland has the most significant biodiversity of cave fauna wildlife in the world.



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