Paradise on your palate

They say that food is eaten first with the eyes because what is pleasing to the eye entices us to taste it. So, indulge in beautifully decorated plates, superbly prepared dishes, and delicious desserts.

Kako odabrati dobro vino? Prva važna karakteristika vina je miris. I prije nego što se uzme gutljaj, vino mora oduševiti aromom. Kad se vino proguta, poželjno je da okusi neko vrijeme ostanu na nepcu te da od vas traži gutljaj više. Od svega suprotnog vjerojatno je da će vas zaboljeti glava, a to znači da ste otvorili pogrešnu butelju. ?

Treat your taste buds to premium sparkling wines, wines, liqueurs, brandies, and craft beers, and there's also the first Croatian craft gin.

Treat yourself to the true pleasure offered by Zagreb County.




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